THAT IS IT! Hackers have not ruined the Internet. They Saved It.
So we have came up with a reason to blame everything on the “Hacker” .
So lets really blame it all then shall we.
Hackers have been stabilizing the internet from day one, they have established new ways of communication “IRC , Messenger Programs, Etc” They made new ways to do Banking “ E-Gold , Paypal, Bitcoin,” Even our dept of defence is based around Hacker tools and infrastructure as like Botnets . They aren’t Always out to steal your money and spy on your little princess. Some of the most dedicated and curious Hackerz are the ones behind the lines .. They sit in trenches “cubicles” all around the world. They constantly have a new plan in there mind and are able to multi-task with ease as there day at work closes on down and the night life of thrills await.

Most of you are in some form or another a hacker too. Or you would be if givin the chance .. So stop hating