Gangstalking : Corruption At It’s Finest

KiLo Hacker
2 min readNov 26, 2020
  • I will start by saying, If you are being stalked then you really should join a group discussion and find out as much information as possible.

The More you know about Gangstalking all the better it will be for you to protect yourself and understand what it is and wh

at NOT to do.

“all means never get caught up in trying to convince someone that THEY are following or out to get you”

Thing’s To Remember

  1. Report and or record all event’s
  2. Watch out for random people talking about you.
  3. Remember that everything. you do is probably monitored.

Gangstalking is a Crime.

Gang Stalking is stalking by more than one person to a victim, usually involving community harassment, or the "mob", using

people from all backgrounds and vocations to harass, tracking 24/7, sometimes organizing lethal vehicle accidents, poisoinings,

electronic harassment, home invasions/property destruction, corrupt or ignorant doctor diagnosis given to stamp the victim as

bogus mentally ill with delusions, paranoi, or schizophrenia, etc.

I have spoken and been a victim of this kind of harassment . It’s been a long and horrific experience and now we are Exposing the truth.

Thank you to

These sites have been a big help for me finding the info needed to Understand and fight back….

I am on Twitter & Instagram as @Kilo_Hacker

YouTube Channel can now be accessed as well ..

This is not a hallucination. It’s real and is happening. Some people get over paranoid and have been known to take this out of prospective.

No I don’t think Lizard People are after my brain.

No I don’t think it’s because I am any different than anyone else.

There is a list that if you are put on then you are now a TI. list consists of People speaking out, Whistleblowers, Minorities, Or maybe you just pissed off someone really bad that has connections. either way you look at it, You have done something some place or to someone to draw this attention.

I am Hoping that maybe with this page someone will Benefit from it.

@ KiLo_Hack3r



KiLo Hacker

(( Access Hacker )) | Journalist |CEH Cert | IG @KiLo_Hacker twitter @Kilo_Hacker | #DarkStorm